(519) 763-0299 eramosapc@gmail.com

Ministerial Services


Baptism is a symbolic action that signifies the new life God gives us as we join the church community. Baptism uses water as a symbolic cleansing that signifies the acceptance of new life within the church family. The sacrament of baptism is the single rite of initiation into the Christian community, the church.

Baptism in the United Church is recognized by all denominations of the Christian church that practice infant baptism. Similarly, if someone has already been baptised in another church at any age, the United Church recognizes their baptism and welcomes them as Christians.  If you are seeking baptism for yourself or your child, contact our office.

Child Blessing 

Your baby’s or child’s blessing ceremony can be a big occasion with extended family, friends and community. Or it can be an intimate moment, with just parents and child. Whatever you choose, it’s a time to focus on honouring your child’s life, the family and community that support you raising the child,  and promising to do your best to help your child be their best.

If you are seeking Child Blessing for your child, contact our office.

Funeral and Memorial Services 

The Barrie Hill community is honoured to offer their minister to officiate at your families’ funeral or memorial service.  If you are seeking an officiant for a funeral or memorial service contact our office.


A Church Wedding

We welcome that you are seeking information about being married in the beautiful, historic, rural Barrie Hill United Church sanctuary.  Our sanctuary seats 150 persons. 

Open Wedding Policy

At Barrie Hill we affirm the integrity and sanctity of couples in loving and committed relationships. We celebrate and welcome couples of all sexual orientations who love each other and who want to honour their commitments through marriage and covenanting ceremonies.

A Church Wedding at Barrie Hill 

Your marriage service is first and foremost a worship service.  In this service you make a covenant with one another and with God. In the name of Christ, the church community blesses your marriage covenant, praying that you may know the freedom, joy and sanctity of life-long union.  You do not have to be a member of the church to be married at Barrie Hill.  We do ask, however, that you approach the ceremony with reverence, respecting the convictions of both the church and yourselves.  

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Ministerial Services

Barrie Hill United Church is a CRA Registered Charity. Business Number: 869071290RR0001

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