(519) 763-0299 eramosapc@gmail.com

Everyone Welcome

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here — to explore your faith, to meet new people, and to strengthen your personal relationship with God.

A rural approach to faith, friendship & fun

We worship and celebrate God’s love together.

Sunday Service

Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Our Mission

Arising from a deeply rooted faith in God, known to us through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we, the people of Eramosa Pastoral Charge, celebrate that we are a Christian community striving to share our faith, friendship, fun, music and other talents.

Our Beliefs

We believe in expressing our faith as service in action—supporting, helping, funding, speaking out, welcoming newcomers, and striving always to love our neighbours as ourselves.

Our Community

We create positive change:  in ourselves, in our communities, in our households of faith in the world.

Ministerial Services Icon - white

Ministerial Services

We provide funeral and memorials, baptisms and child blessing and wedding services.

Catering Services

Catering Services

We offer catering services for a variety of events.

Children's Programs

Children's Programs

We offer weekly programs and special events for children.

What's My Next Steps?

Interested in joining us or have more questions? Find some frequently asked questions about our church and how we work!

Find Answers Here

Who We Are

Faith in Action

Barrie Hill UCW

Barrie Hill United Church is a CRA Registered Charity. Business Number: 869071290RR0001

Contact Barrie Hill United Church

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